The two of us at home pre fund-raiser kitchen walk for kindy

Friday, 5 September 2008

A man and his handiwork are never parted

Keith is one tired but happy chappy - his week in Woodbury building the garage/workshop has been enormously successful and the result is quite lovely. Helped by a couple of local builders, Keith has managed to get the big stuff done and can now complete the interiors in relative comfort. Apart from a couple of minor compliance things. the building inspector gave it a pre-wrap pass mark and so next step is to nail up the plywood cladding. This now means we can store stuff for the house under cover, and start moving the contents from his current workshop down in manageable stages. The building looks sweet (not a guy word, I admit) beside the big house, and in the big picture, you can see how they complement each other. He returned home early on Thursday evening, very tired but in excellent spirits - he couldn't lift his arms above his shoulders and still can't close his right hand properly (a couple of days of the hammer and staple gun) - and has also lost 5kg! He looks, however, in fine form and can't wait for the next visit. Neither can I.