The two of us at home pre fund-raiser kitchen walk for kindy

Thursday 2 October 2008

October and the joinery begin together

And so it's October, finally - and as September ticked over into the new month, the kitchen started to actually look like a kitchen as the joiners and builders began the big installation. It's been all go in Woodbury for the past few weeks - Keith's been busy with the garage/workshop and has made amazing progress, with the help of wonderful neighbour Paul. The kitchen is underway, the kitchen appliances have been trucked out of Christchurch (after nearly 2 years in a warehouse), we've finalised the flooring and have made tentative bookings for getting laid. Sorry about that. Getting it laid.

And tomorrow, the 4th, is auction day for selling our Christchurch house. In spite of the dreadful property market, and worrying international financial situation, we're optimistic about a respectable sale and will be able to confirm all sorts of tentative arrangements and booking next week, once we have a settlement date. Exciting - every day brings new decisions, new information and an amendment to plan x, y and z.

The cats have been to the vet for their shots, so they're ready for a week in the country cattery; the movers have quoted and been accepted; and I've realised we don't have any spare bedroom furniture, apart from a bed. I'm planning to poke around the sales and the second-hand shops for the odd bargain, but don't hold your breath - there's a front garden to plant first.

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