The two of us at home pre fund-raiser kitchen walk for kindy

Thursday 27 November 2008

The Old Forgery turns green and shows its true colours

Friday November 28, a beautiful, warm, still spring day. We have a lush lawn (pictures a few days old) and healthy plants, thanks to relentless watering and good organic compost. Plus a lot of hard work from both Keith and me. Muscles ache every evening but we're both feeling fit and certainly not complaining as the garden and general section area take real shape and direction. Roses, hedges, a bunch of grasses, potted geraniums, and a healthy raised vegetable bed are the latest additions, each adding a shape, colour, definition to exits and entrances.

Cats excelling themselves in hunting and sleeping (the perfect cat CV) and as for us, heading into late spring, and what is likely to be a long hot summer, keeping up the greenery and shade is a must. Fortunately things are growing really well here, and next week, the lawn will be rolled, after which we'll be able to do the first mow. Terribly exciting, also because after that we can get going on trees, sleepers and general structural ideas for the front door area. But after being here a mere five weeks today, we aren't complaining about the rate of progress. Quite the opposite.

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