The two of us at home pre fund-raiser kitchen walk for kindy

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Don't fence me in

Well, we did it, on the hottest day of the year so far. Yesterday, Saturday, was an absolute scorcher; bakingly, blisteringly hot and the back of my neck is scarlet. But what a success it was, too - we met Desmond, the architect, at 11am in the paddock that will soon be house and home, and all set to work with pegs, string, hammers and much consulting of plans. Helpful new neighbours arrived with cold juice and welcoming words - a kind of unofficial house-warming.

Watched by sheep panting in the shade by the water tank, we ran strings around posts, pushed out verandahs, quibbled about half a metre here and there, particularly when it came to garage/workshop and boundary fence, but finally, it's done: the house has been re-sited to everyone's satisfaction. It looks much more 'at home' in the paddock, and is making the most of sun and views. The weather highlighted just how important the verandahs will be, though - when it's as hot as yesterday, 35degC, in the dry, clear, baking South Canterbury summer, we'll be desperate for shade and cool, airy spaces.

Lunch and several cold beers later, we reviewed the next step: Some time during the week starting the 21st, the builders are scheduled to arrive on site and, they promise, stay there until the job is done. So they will no doubt peg the house out again properly, do some digging, get us all to take another look and give the official thumbs-up, and away we go.

Any takers on our having the roof up and a roof-raising party in March?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done - hurrah for verandahs, a great shelter from the snow too!!!