The two of us at home pre fund-raiser kitchen walk for kindy

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

The pictures tell the story

Wednesday late May ... I've lost track of the dates but can report lots of essential activity on the house. Fiona took the latest batch of pictures as we've been unable to get down to Woodbury over the past couple of weeks. The walls are being filled in, and apparently there's lots of activity inside as well. Detail, detail. It's Queen's Birthday holiday weekend coming up (June 4) but we're needed in Christchurch as the house here is still on the market and it's more important for us to be here than gadding about down there. Much as we'd like to. All reports tell us that things are going according to plan, so next visit, and updated pix, should be far more interesting than this one. Anyway, it's clear that pictures tell people far more than words, so feast your eyes on the latest and await a visual delight next time.

Thank you, Hoppings and Canadian rellies, for such lovely feedback. Miss you all.

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