The two of us at home pre fund-raiser kitchen walk for kindy

Friday, 18 July 2008

July 12 check-in (wish we could stay)

On the weekend of July 12, we spent hours and hours going through the house (proud key-holders now) with and without friends and relations. Beautiful mid-winter weather always helps, but as it takes shape, the house does look and feel absolutely fantastic. Latest is the solid amount of board and batten that's gone (and going) up on the exterior - lovely details, a nod to the Arts and Crafts movement, and as a friend said, makes the house look a bit like an Uber Cottage. So friendly and intimate while maintaining its solid, handsome overall appearance. The bits that aren't board and batten are hebel panelling, which will be finished with plaster in a kind of rough and ready way (nothing too spray-perfect-finish) and painted (Double Parchment).

Inside the house we discovered parts of stairways lying on their side ready to be installed, and lots of doors all waiting to be fitted. And outside, we spent a long time pacing around the section with our landscape concept plan - where hedges, shrubs, trees and so on might go when we can get to it (spring for the big, 'backbone' stuff). We're making general decisions about types of plants, but lots may change, and we're highly unlikely to have a lawn down before next autumn (so get used to the paddock).

So, another great visit and two very happy and excited people (us). Further promising news is that we've sold our Chch house (provisionally at this point) and the builders tell us that end of September is their likely finish date. If the planets are aligned, everything should come together at about the right time. As usual, fingers are crossed, but we've got a good feeling about it all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW, the place looks great. I don't see any snow? I love the board and batten, great touch. Great news about selling the house. I will miss it but at the same time glad we were able to see it. Love the mid winter sun strike too. Great view of "Four Peaks". You two will be in heaven once you are settled. Mark was saying last night he wants to go to NZ in 2010. So we'll see.